You can estimate the cost of our services directly on this page.
The amounts in the calculation of your race are only indicative. Our rates can vary depending on the accuracy of your settings and traffic and are thus calculated Excluding Tolls and supplements.
Click here to find your distance in kilometers.
Rate Type* | Value in euros |
Supported | 3.7€ |
Rate per kilometer | |
Rate A | 1.09 |
Rate B | 1.42€ |
Rate C | 2.18€ |
Rate D | 2.84€ |
Waiting hours or slow driving | 24.00€ |
Rate A: Day Race with back up from the station. |
Rate B : Night race with back up at the station or race done on Sundays and publics holidays with return support at the station. |
Rate C : Day Race with empty return to the station. |
Rate D : Night race with empty return to the station or race done on Sundays and publics holidays with return to the vacuum station. |
* rates and estimates are whitout approach race cost.